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Revision as of 08:02, 20 April 2019 by Ruslan (talk | contribs)
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Any interest finally? Else I'd cancel this project.

The milk from the 30 cow Biohof is no longer fetched by Andechs since fall 2018. (snow! too long ways! they say. How did they know we'd get so much snow haha) With this, my interest in cattle has sunk tremendously.

I still have a dozen milk cows myself but I see no future for it. It may be stopped in accordance with other neighbors.

Cattle are significant methane producers and there is too much milk also. It is a fact. The future of its production belongs to bigger purely commercial enterprises.

I am out. To win in LOTTO is more likely than to unite farmers. haha

Absurdum: Say you are a farmer and people will stare at you with disrespect. Mention your aerospace studies and the same people stare at thou with hatred.

It is a bit a strange world. Whatever. I care for the goodhearted beings and ever will.

Have a nice time on this gorgeous planet dear friends.

"Cattle are significant methane producers and there is too much milk also. [...] The future of its production belongs to bigger purely commercial enterprises." I agree with the first sentence and partially disagree with the last one 😬. The bigger purely commercial enterprises are possible future, but not the best one. I hope, the future will not depend on dairy products at all. Although I do not consume dairy products, I still can see the milker as possible improvement of animal welfare. --Ruslan (Diskussion) 10:02, 20. Apr. 2019 (CEST)