
Aus Open Source Ecology - Germany
(Weitergeleitet von PayPal Button)
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PayPal Conditions

  • The PayPal account is bound to only 1 person and his/her bank account (for private account)
    • Vergewissern Sie sich, dass der Name, auf dem Ihr PayPal-Konto registriert ist, mit dem Namen auf Ihrem Bankkontoauszug übereinstimmt. Ansonsten sind Überweisungen von und auf Ihr PayPal-Konto nicht möglich, und es werden jedes Mal Rückbuchungsgebühren berechnet. (Quelle)
    • Practically: if you try to change your name - it is impossible. If you try to add a new bank account, you can change your first name, but not your family name.
  • A PayPal account for organizations is bound to the organization: its bank account holder should match the organization name.

Create PayPal Button





PayPal Send and Receive Money


Sending money is free.

Note: A PayPal account can send money to 1) another PayPal account or 2) Bank Account or 3) a creadit card. The owner of 2) and 3) should be the owner of the PayPal account. When using 2) and 3) fees may apply.


Sending money from a Bulgarian PayPal to another PayPal account has two options:

  • "I'm paying for goods or services" - this is taxed
  • "I'm sending money to family or friends"
    • €0.00 EUR fee if you use your PayPal balance and/or a bank account.
    • €0.45 EUR fee if you pay using your credit or debit card.



See PayPal Gebühren.

  • Geld empfangen in Euro aus Deutschland oder anderen EU-Ländern - 1,9 % + 0,35 Euro
  • Geld in eine andere Währung umrechnen - 2,5 % bis 4 % auf den Wechselkurs


On Credit Card

Withdrawing Funds to Your Card:

  • Fees: PayPal charges a fee for withdrawals to your card. Currency conversion fees may also apply. If the information in your withdrawal request is incomplete or incorrect, PayPal will charge a return fee. For more information, click Fees at the bottom of any page.


The following test were done on 22.12.2012:


  • German PayPal account sends €1 to a Bulgarian PayPal account.
    • Amount received: €1.00 EUR
    • Fee amount: -€0.38 EUR
    • Net amount: €0.62 EUR
  • German account sends €10 to a Bulgarian account.
    • Amount received: €10.00 EUR
    • Fee amount: -€0.69 EUR (= €0.35 + 3,4%)
    • Net amount: €9.31 EUR
  • German account sends 10 USD to a Bulgarian account.
    • Amount received: 10.00 USD
    • Fee amount: -0.69 USD
    • Net amount: 9.31 USD


  • Bulgarian PayPal account sends €5 to a Germany PayPal account - but to family or friends! No taxes!
    • Amount sent: -€5.00 EUR
    • Fee amount: €0.00 EUR
    • Net amount: -€5.00 EUR

Germany - get your money

  • German PayPal accounts sends €10 to its German bank account (transaction confirmed):
    • Gesamtbetrag: -€10,00 EUR
    • Gebühr: €0,00 EUR
    • Nettobetrag: -€10,00 EUR

Barriers from PayPal

  • High Fees.
  • No subscription option for Germany
  • 1 account for only 1 owner.
  • multiple individuals said that after receiving the money, the money was transfered back to the sender by PayPal. We cannot provide currently more details on this point.

PayPal Alternatives

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