Von Andreas Plank hochgeladene Dateien

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Datum Name Vorschaubild Größe Beschreibung Versionen
11:59, 9. Jun. 2019 ETHEREUM-LOGO LANDSCAPE Black small.png (Datei) 11 KB ; Quelle: https://github.com/ethereum/ethereum-org/blob/master/public/images/logos/ETHEREUM-LOGO_LANDSCAPE_Black_small.png ; Lizenz: GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 1
10:34, 11. Apr. 2019 Cámara Axiom Beta 1.jpg (Datei) 111 KB User created page with UploadWizard 1
21:09, 9. Apr. 2019 Licensing tutorial en.svg (Datei) 166 KB User created page with UploadWizard 1
20:58, 9. Apr. 2019 Licensing tutorial de.svg (Datei) 181 KB User created page with UploadWizard 1
14:57, 15. Mär. 2019 Test-Zeichnung.pdf (Datei) 11 KB Teste PDF Vorschau 1
14:13, 15. Mär. 2019 Test-Zeichnung.svg (Datei) 2 KB teste Hochladen 1
13:26, 25. Jan. 2019 Flag of Italy.svg (Datei) 273 Bytes {{Cached Commons Copy|file=Flag_of_Italy.svg|lastuploader=Zscout370|time=2013-03-25, 13:39}} {{Protected image}} {{Information |Description= {{am|የጣልያ ሰንደቅ ዓላማ}} {{ar|[[:ar:علم إي… 1
11:32, 25. Jan. 2019 Flag of France.svg (Datei) 377 Bytes {{Cached Commons Copy|file=Flag_of_France.svg|lastuploader=Zscout370|time=2011-08-28, 01:13}} {{Information |Description = {{fr|Drapeau de la France}} {{af|Vlag van Frankryk}} {{als|Flagge vo [[:… 1
11:31, 25. Jan. 2019 Flag of Spain.svg (Datei) 144 KB {{Cached Commons Copy|file=Flag_of_Spain.svg|lastuploader=Odder|time=2013-05-28, 10:50}} {{validSVG}} {{Information| |Description= {{es|Bandera de España, ''Rojigualda''}} {{ar|علم اسبانيا}} {{an|Bandera de [[… 1
11:30, 25. Jan. 2019 Flag of Russia.svg (Datei) 265 Bytes {{Cached Commons Copy|file=Flag_of_Russia.svg|lastuploader=Zscout370|time=2013-05-30, 11:09}} {{protected image}} {{validSVG}} {{Information |Description = {{av|Россиялъул байрахъ}} {{a… 1
11:28, 25. Jan. 2019 Flag of Germany.svg (Datei) 502 Bytes {{Cached Commons Copy|file=Flag_of_Germany.svg|lastuploader=Madden|time=2013-03-25, 15:33}} == {{int:description}} == {{protected image}} {{Flag |NAME= |DEFAULT=1 |COUNTRY={{Germany}} |OF={{Germany}} |FROM={{ISOdate|1949-05-23}} |CREATOR={{unknown}} |… 1
11:26, 25. Jan. 2019 Flag of the United Kingdom.svg (Datei) 522 Bytes {{Cached Commons Copy|file=Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom.svg|lastuploader=EmilJ|time=2011-08-26, 22:16}} {{Protected image}} == {{int:Description}} == {{Information| |Description = {{en|Flag of the United Kingdom, [[:e… 1
11:21, 25. Jan. 2019 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg (Datei) 275 Bytes {{Cached Commons Copy|file=Flag_of_the_Czech_Republic.svg|lastuploader=Alkari|time=2019-01-24, 22:45}} == {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |description= {{cs|Vlajka České republiky. Podoba státní vlajky… 1
11:19, 25. Jan. 2019 MediaWiki Vector skin action arrow.png (Datei) 181 Bytes {{Cached Commons Copy|file=MediaWiki_Vector_skin_action_arrow.png|lastuploader=MZMcBride|time=2019-01-24, 16:45}} {{protected}} == {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information | Description = {{en|1=The action arrow from the MediaWiki Vector skin.}} | Source… 1
14:40, 11. Sep. 2018 Edit pencil (Griffin-Mono-v3.5, apps, text-editor, fg-76B82A).svg (Datei) 3 KB ; Description : https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1230047/ ; Source : https://github.com/LordShenron/Griffin-Icons/tree/Griffin-Mono ; License : Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License [[Kategorie:Piktogramme]… 1
13:07, 5. Sep. 2018 CC some rights reserved.svg (Datei) 22 KB {{Cached Commons Copy|file=CC_some_rights_reserved.svg|lastuploader=Krissman|time=2011-08-26, 20:22}} {{Information |Description = A vector-based version of CC_SomeRightsReserved.png, made by me. |Source = Sel… 1
13:06, 5. Sep. 2018 Cc-by new white.svg (Datei) 5 KB {{Cached Commons Copy|file=Cc-by_new_white.svg|lastuploader=Sting|time=2011-08-26, 20:09}} __NOTOC__{{protected image}} {{Information |Description=The new « Attribution » icon from Creative Commons with white background |Source=Reference icons :… 1
12:51, 5. Sep. 2018 Pencil add.png (Datei) 719 Bytes {{Cached Commons Copy|file=Pencil_add.png|lastuploader=Avatar|time=2012-11-30, 18:27}} *'''Description:''' Image from the Silk icon theme by Mark James *'''Source:''' http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/ {{cc-by-2.5}} [[Category:Small writing ic… 1
12:48, 5. Sep. 2018 Pencil.png (Datei) 551 Bytes {{Cached Commons Copy|file=Pencil.png|lastuploader=Avatar|time=2012-12-18, 09:14}} *'''Description:''' Image from the Silk icon theme by Mark James *'''Source:''' http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/ {{cc-by-2.5}} [[Category:Small writing icons]… 1
12:36, 3. Sep. 2018 Audacity logo (transparent).png (Datei) 61 KB {{Information |description={{de|Transparentes logo von Software Audacity}} |date=22.12.2017 |source=https://www.audacityteam.org/wp-content/themes/wp_audacity/img/logo.png |author=https://www.audacityteam.org |permission= |other_versions= }} 1
12:36, 24. Aug. 2018 Telegram logo.svg (Datei) 999 Bytes == {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |description = {{de|1=Logo von Telegram.}} {{en|1=Logo of Telegram.}} {{es|1=Logo de Telegram.}} {{fy|1=Logo fan Telegram.}} {{nl|1=Logo van Telegram.}} {{ru|1=Лого Телеграма.}} |date = 201… 1
12:13, 24. Aug. 2018 FFmpeg Logo new.svg (Datei) 5 KB == {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description={{en|1=New logo of the FFmpeg project.}} {{de|1=Neues Logo des FFmpeg Projekts.}} {{ja|1=FFmpegプロジェクトの新しいロゴ}} |Source={{URL|http://ww… 1
14:21, 22. Aug. 2018 Avatar timo.jpg (Datei) 23 KB {{Information |description={{de|Avatar-Bild von Benutzer:Timonizer (Timo)}} |date= |source=Datei:Avatar_timo.png |author=Benutzer:Timonizer |permission= |other_versions=<gallery> Datei:Avatar_timo.png </gallery> }} 1
10:43, 22. Aug. 2018 Template-MW.png (Datei) 386 Bytes {{Information |date=2 July 2006 |author=https://en.blender.org/index.php/User:Broken |source=https://en.blender.org/index.php/File:Template-MW.png |description={{de|Mausrad bewegen (für Bedienungsanleitungen)}}{{en|Mouse wheel for hotkey templates}} }… 1
10:39, 22. Aug. 2018 Template-MWD.png (Datei) 387 Bytes {{Information |date=2 July 2006 |author=https://en.blender.org/index.php/User:Broken |source=https://en.blender.org/index.php/File:Template-MWUP.png |description={{de|Mausrad nach unten bewegen (für Bedienungsanleitungen)}}{{en|Mouse wheel down icon f… 1
10:37, 22. Aug. 2018 Template-MWUP.png (Datei) 393 Bytes {{Information |date=22 June 2006 |author=https://en.blender.org/index.php/User:Broken |source=https://en.blender.org/index.php/File:Template-MWUP.png |description={{de|Mausrad nach oben bewegen (für Bedienungsanleitungen)}} }} Kategorie:Hardware 1
10:30, 22. Aug. 2018 Template-MMB.png (Datei) 385 Bytes {{Information |date=2 July 2006 |author=https://en.blender.org/index.php/User:Broken |source=https://en.blender.org/index.php/File:Template-MMB.png |description={{en|Middle mouse button icon for hotkey templates}} }} 1
10:24, 22. Aug. 2018 Template-LMB.png (Datei) 385 Bytes ; Quelle: https://en.blender.org/index.php/File:Template-LMB.png ; Description: Left mouse button icon for hotkey templates 1
10:24, 22. Aug. 2018 Template-RMB.png (Datei) 386 Bytes ; Quelle: https://en.blender.org/index.php/File:Template-RMB.png ; Description: Right mouse button icon for hotkey templates Kategorie:Piktogramme Kategorie:Hardware 1
20:55, 21. Aug. 2018 Dialog-warning-yellow.svg (Datei) 7 KB {{information | Description = | Source = The [http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Desktop_Project Tango! Desktop Project] | Date = 2007 | Author = [http://tango.freedesktop.org/The_People The people from the Tango! project] | Permission = {{Tango proje… 1
20:25, 21. Aug. 2018 Over-categorization.svg (Datei) 62 KB {{Cached Commons Copy|file=Over-categorization.svg|lastuploader=Jarekt|time=2011-08-26, 20:13}} == {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description=Over-categorization diagram based on Image:Image-x-generic.svg and Image:Folder.svg |Source={{o… 1
12:53, 21. Aug. 2018 Information (OSEG bg FFD966, Sardi-Ghost-Flexible 9.6-6, actions, fnome-tourist-info).svg (Datei) 4 KB Hintergrund weiß 2
09:11, 21. Aug. 2018 Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg transpose 0 transpose 1.png (Datei) 84 KB {{Metadata |Title=ffmpeg example -vf "transpose=0, transpose=1" |Type=StillImage |Subtype=Color-photo |Subject Category=Tutorials |Language=zxx |Content Modification=filme strip by Andreas Plank |Derived From=File:Broadway tower edit.jpg |Creators… 1
09:10, 21. Aug. 2018 Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg transpose 0.png (Datei) 84 KB {{Metadata |Title=ffmpeg example -vf "transpose=0" |Type=StillImage |Subtype=Color-photo |Subject Category=Tutorials |Language=zxx |Content Modification=filme strip by Andreas Plank |Derived From=File:Broadway tower edit.jpg |Creators=wikiuser:en:… 1
09:09, 21. Aug. 2018 Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg transpose 3.png (Datei) 84 KB {{Metadata |Title=ffmpeg example -vf "transpose=3" |Type=StillImage |Subtype=Color-photo |Subject Category=Tutorials |Language=zxx |Content Modification=filme strip by Andreas Plank |Derived From=File:Broadway tower edit.jpg |Creators=wikiuser:en:… 1
09:01, 21. Aug. 2018 Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg transpose 2.png (Datei) 72 KB {{Metadata |Title=ffmpeg example -vf "transpose=2" |Type=StillImage |Subtype=Color-photo |Subject Category=Tutorials |Language=zxx |Content Modification=filme strip by Andreas Plank |Derived From=File:Broadway tower edit.jpg |Creators=wikiuser:en:… 1
08:49, 21. Aug. 2018 Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg transpose 1.png (Datei) 73 KB {{Metadata |Title=ffmpeg example -vf "transpose=1" |Type=StillImage |Subtype=Color-photo |Subject Category=Tutorials |Language=zxx |Content Modification=filme strip by Andreas Plank |Derived From=File:Broadway tower edit.jpg |Creators=wikiuser:en:… 1
08:48, 21. Aug. 2018 Broadway tower edit film strip ffmpeg normal.png (Datei) 74 KB {{Metadata |Title=ffmpeg example -vf "transpose=..." |Type=StillImage |Subtype=Color-photo |Subject Category=Tutorials |Language=zxx |Content Modification=filme strip by Andreas Plank |Derived From=File:Broadway tower edit.jpg |Creators=wikiuser:e… 1
08:44, 21. Aug. 2018 SMPlayer icon.png (Datei) 24 KB {{Cached Commons Copy|file=SMPlayer_icon.png|lastuploader=Nardog|time=2011-09-04, 21:00}} {{Convert to SVG|icon}} {{Information | Description = The SMPlayer icon. | Source = http://smplayer.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/smplayer/smplayer/t… 1
21:33, 20. Aug. 2018 Generator from motor (English, Arvind Gupta 20100108, arvindguptatoys.com).mp4 (Datei) 5,88 MB falsche Version (TED talk) sollte 2 minütige Videoanleitung sein 1
12:16, 16. Aug. 2018 Nuvola apps bookcase.svg (Datei) 10 KB == {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |description={{en|1=Svg of File:Nuvola apps bookcase.png}} |source={{own}} |date=2007-07-01 |author= Peter Kemp |permission= derived work from Nuvola set |other versions={{DerivativeVersions|Nuvola apps bookcase si… 1
12:15, 16. Aug. 2018 Gnome globe current event.svg (Datei) 16 KB {{Information | Description = {{en|Globe with clock to represent a "current event"}}{{es|Globo terráqueo con un reloj que representa un "evento en curso"}} {{ja|『現在進行中の事象』を示すための時計付… 1
12:14, 16. Aug. 2018 Imbox protection.png (Datei) 2 KB https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Imbox_protection.png 1
12:11, 16. Aug. 2018 Imbox deletion.png (Datei) 2 KB https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ambox_deletion.png 1
12:10, 16. Aug. 2018 Imbox style.png (Datei) 3 KB https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Imbox_style.png 1
12:09, 16. Aug. 2018 Imbox move.png (Datei) 539 Bytes commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ambox_move.png 1
11:09, 1. Aug. 2018 Docear logo - the academic literature suite.png (Datei) 19 KB Kategorie:Logo Kategorie:Mindmapping (Software) Kategorie:Verwaltungssoftware 1
18:56, 26. Jul. 2018 Titelbild Khammas – Buch der Synergie o.J..jpg (Datei) 85 KB Khammas, A. A. W. o.J.: Buch der Synergie. (http://www.buch-der-synergie.de/, abgerufen am 26. Juli 2018). Kategorie:Titelbild 1
09:22, 26. Jul. 2018 Titelbild Frantz 1855.png (Datei) 98 KB Kategorie: Titelbild 1
23:01, 19. Jul. 2018 OpenMedia-preliminary-logo-135.png (Datei) 5 KB Datei hochgeladen mit MsUpload {{#ifeq:{{NAMESPACE}}|{{ns:MediaWiki}} |Siehe Kategorie: Hochgeladen mit MsUpload|Kategorie: Hochgeladen mit MsUpload}} 1
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