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 o ptions: { *

 type: "booklet"
 label string: non-localizable label string
 labelMsg string: key for localizable message string
 deferLoad boolean
 pages object: map of name keys to further objects:
 layout string required: 'table' or 'characters'
 label string: non-localizable label string
 labelMsg string: key for localizable message string
 headings string[]: array of objects? {textMsg: key} ??
 rows object[] optional?: array of objects? {'row key name': {message object?}}
 characters string[] optional?: array of strings of little character bits for insertion (???!)


//<source lang="javascript">

var messagePT = {
  label: {
    blockquote: 'block quote',
    strikethrough: 'strike through',
    syntaxhighlight: 'syntax highlighting'
  periText: {
    comment: 'comment:',
    defInlineTerm: 'Parameter',
    defInlineDefinition: 'Explanation',
    ref: 'Reference/Citation',
    tvar: 'content, text, link etc.'
  sectionLabel: {
    programming: 'Programming',
    template: 'Templates',
    wikiTags: 'Wiki/HTML Tags'
 * get local defaults
  mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=' +
  'MediaWiki:Gadget-AddProgrammingToolbar.js/local_defaults' +

 * override messages by wgUserLanguage
  mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/index.php?title=' +
  'MediaWiki:Gadget-AddProgrammingToolbar.js/' + mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage') +

var customizeThisUserWikiEditorToolbar = function () {
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      'syntaxhighlight': {
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            post: "\n</source>"
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            options: {pre: "<!--\n-->{{#if: ", post: "<!--\nthen-->|<!--\nelse-->|<!--\n-->}}<!-- if end\n-->"}
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              pre: "{{#switch: {{CONTENTLANGUAGE}}",
              post: "<!--\n-->|de|de-formal= deutsch <!--\n-->| #default = english<!--\n-->}}<!-- switch end\n-->"
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          action: {
            type: 'encapsulate',
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              pre: "{{#switch: ",
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/* Check if view is in edit mode and that the required modules are available. Then, customize the toolbar … */
if ($.inArray(mw.config.get('wgAction'), ['edit', 'submit']) !== -1) {
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// </source>
// </pre>