Corporate Identity

From Open Source Ecology - Germany
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OSEG can be used as a short form for Open Source Ecology Germany where it makes sense.

Do not alter the short form OSEG in any way, examples for bad abbreviations: OSE G, O.S.E.G., OSEg, oseG, OSE-G.

The official international short term is: OSE Germany The official short term for our non-profit association 'Open Source Ecology Germany e.V. is: OSEGeV

The open sprocket/gear with the flame/leaf cutout inside is the official symbol for Open Source Ecology Germany. You are free to copy and use it for private stuff as-is without any alteration. Please get in touch if you want to use the Logo for anything else.

The official logo of Open Source Ecology Germany.

SVG file: File:OSEG logo text bottom.svg

Additional graphics

One of the following alternatives may be used if it suits the layout better:

Suitable for a small, downscaled display, e.g. as an icon.
With large OSEG headline and smaller tagline.
Full text version, no abbrevations. Download SVG file
Icon only, without any text


the green highlight on top
CMYK: 55,0,100,0
RGB: #86BC25

the base tone (green)
CMYK: 60,0,100,0
RGB: #76B82A

Open Source

grey of the font
CMYK: 53,44,45,9
RGB: #666666

Further Colors

Open Source

Color on main green background


Bright Color on main green background
RGB: #FFD966

Light Background Color

Border Color
RGB: #8C8C8C

Border Color
RGB: #4D4D4D

Light Green Border Color
RGB: #D6F0B9