Donations in general

From Open Source Ecology - Germany
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You can donate without choosing a concrete OSEG Project. Otherwise, you can donate to a concrete project einem konkreten OSEG Projekt unterstützen.

Bank Transfer

You can transfer your donation on the following bank account. Please add as purpose of the transfer ORGA.

Account holder:

OSE Germany e.V.
DE19 4306 0967 1190 6553 00
GENODEM1GLS (GLS Bank, Bochum, Germany)
please enter here “ORGA”

Note on donation receipts:

For individual donations under 200 € no donation receipt is required.

For amounts over 200 € we can issue a donation receipt! So please send us an e-mail.

Note on monthly donation:

If you want to donate monthly, you can set up a standing order with your bank. We recommend a standing order via bank transfer instead of PayPal, because it is cheaper. PayPal retains a part of the donation as a fee.

Notice about your data: Your name and the donation amount will be automatically published in our Open Book Accounting. If you want the bank transfer to be anonymized, please send a short email to Nikolay.

Notece about donation receipt: We are not able to issue a donation receipt! When we create the German association will be able to issue donation receipts. If you want to be notified about this event, please send a request for notification to Nikolay.

Notece about a monthly donation: If you want to pay monthly, we recommend you a standing order. Another possibility is PayPal.

Thank You!

Open Book Accounting

You can see at any time our Open Book Accounting.


You can donate 10€ monthly or another desired amount per PayPal. You can donate also once.
Notice: Instead PayPal we recommend you a standing order from your bank account because it is cheaper (e.g. 0,10€ from you instead of 1,9 % + 0,35€ from us with PayPal)

After clicking on the PayPal button please enter under "Purpose" the ORGA. Thank You!

Monthly donation - 10€
Monthly donation - desired amount One-time-donation


You can donate Bitcoins:

Bitcoin accept round button 168x64.png