Presentation Attribution

From Open Source Ecology - Germany
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The Video Aufruf zur Open Source Ökonomie is released under CC BY-SA with attribution to Open Source Ecology Germany and link to




We are very thankful to all musicians who made the video possible by releasing their music under CC BY or CC BY-SA license. Without their giving we wouldn't be able to communicate our message as clearly as it could be. Thank You very much! We believe deeply that your work and lives will benefit much more people! This is the future!


We are very thankful to all people who released their videos and great animations under CC BY or CC BY-SA license. This was the basis of our video production. Thank You very much! We believe deeply that your work and lives will benefit much more people! This is the future!


We are very thankful to Alexander Lieders and Jakob Olszewski who created and released two Open Source Ecology animations in the public domain with the corresponding project files. Thank You very much friends! You spent hours of your free time to contribute to this movie! Your dedication is awesome!


  • Font Colors:
    • Grey: #4D4D4D
    • Green: #76B82A