(Dieser Teil der Dokumentation ist nur in manchen Sprachen verfügbar.)
For a calendar date in ISO 8601 extended format in the form YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. "2025-03-14"), with or without time, this template extracts the year, month, day and time, and calls {{date}} with the year, month and day found to display the date in localised format, with the time, if specified, appended. It provides the convenience of passing on a date (or even a date and a time) from one template to another as a single parameter, even though {{date}} eventually needs the date components separately.
This template overcomes some flaws of the automatic conversion by {{#time: }} for non-full dates (e.g. "77-09" for September 77 AD, which would throw an error with {{#time: }}).
Parametername | Beschreibung (Dieser Teil der Dokumentation ist nur in manchen Sprachen verfügbar.) | Standardwert | notwendig oder optional?
Parameter Nr.1 (1) | Any proleptic Gregorian calendar or Gregorian calendar date between 1 January 1 AD and 31 December 9999 AD. Dates BC are not yet supported. Also incomplete dates are allowed: just the year or the year and the month. A year has to be written in full, without leading zeros. Optionally it is followed by a dash and a 2-digit month number; optionally this is followed by a dash and a 2-digit day number; optionally this is followed by the time. | leer | notwendig |
Parameter Nr.2 (2) | language code (only needs to be provided if the language shall be fixed and independent from the user's preferences) | language code of the user language | optional |
form | allows to specify grammatical case for the month, for languages that use them. Possible cases:
leer | optional |
debug | Setting "debug=1" helps with debugging | leer | optional |
class | allows to set the html class of the time node where the date is included. This is useful for microformats. The default value is, for legacy reasons, "dtstart" (used by hCalendar). See the microformats project. | dtstart | optional |
Weitere Informationen
Diese Vorlage ist für die folgenden Namensräume gedacht: alle Namensräume
Diese Vorlage ist für die folgenden Benutzergruppen gedacht: alle Benutzer
Diese Vorlage ist abhängig von:
{{date}}, {{ISOdate/time2}}, {{ISOdate/time3}},
(Dieser Teil der Dokumentation ist nur in manchen Sprachen verfügbar.)
{{date}}, {{other date}}, {{ISOyear}}
Übersetzung in lokale Sprachen
Diese Vorlage soll nicht in lokale Sprachen übersetzt werden.
Test cases