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IGEM-Team Bielefeld, MFC 2013: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Version vom 27. Juni 2018, 08:50 Uhr

Rositzka, L., Grenz, S., Tubessing, T., Schüler, M., Ruwe, M., Meyer, T., Bleckwehl, T., Thomas, F., Korszanska, A. & Romanova, N. 2013: Microbial Fuel Cell. Bielefeld ( http:/​/​2013.​igem.​org/​wiki/​index.​php?title=​Team:Bielefeld-Germany/​Project/​MFC&oldid=​360411, abgerufen am 27. Juni 2018).

Zusammenfassung: Overview: A microbial fuel cell (MFC) is utilized for power generation through the conversion of organic and inorganic substrates by microorganisms. A fuel cell generally consists of two units, the anode and cathode compartment. These are separated by a proton exchange membrane (PEM). The microorganisms, acting as biocatalysts, release electrons during metabolic reactions and transfer them to the anode of the fuel cell. The protons being freed up during this process are transferred to the cathode compartment through the PEM. The electrons pass through an external load circuit to the cathode. In the cathode chamber, these electrons and protons reduce an electron acceptor. Thus, an electric current is generated. The most important property of such a system is the bacteria's ability to transfer electrons to the anode. There are lots of other aspects to consider though, all of which are vital for the successful operation of a fuel cell.

Most existing projects rely on using mixed cultures of different types of bacteria in the anode compartment. However, in most cases these systems are not very well characterized. Often it is not even known which species are part of these cultures. This makes it almost impossible to improve the system by directed genetic engineering. Applying such a black box system outside of a laboratory might also pose safety risks, since it may contain pathogenic cultures. Another disadvantage is that some of the species might be quite sensitive to different kinds of stress. Geobacter sulfurreducens for example is often found in such cultures and very susceptible to oxidative stress.

For these reasons, Bielefelds 2013 iGEM Team decided to develop a system which only relies on Escherichia coli for power generation. The main benefit being that these bacteria grow fast and are quite robust regarding cultivation conditions. Another advantage over a mixed culture is that the potential risks of using such a single-strain culture are much more easily assessed and can be reduced by systematic manipulation of the bacterial genome.

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