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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
{{Literatur | Titel=Design and development of a Zinc-Air Fuel Cell for Telecommunication Systems | Autor=Lourens, D.; Case, M. J.; Pienaar, HCvZ | Jahr=2006 | Monat=August | Tag=27 | Zusammenfassung=Successful commercialization of zinc-air technology was first demonstrated in the 1930s when it was first used for railway signalling, since then much research has been done in this field. For applications such as remote telecommunication sites where extended backup power is necessary, zinc-air cells show great promise compared to the large battery banks currently used and expensive fuel cells under development. This paper explains what a zinc-air fuel cell is and what the implications are in the design thereof; it will also include results on the system designed. The paper will demonstrate the ability of the zinc-air fuel cell compared to a normal battery bank. | Nummer=323 | Seiten=1–5 | Online=
|Stichworte=Zinc-air fuel cell; Batteries; Fuel Cell; Potassium Hydroxide; Gas Diffusion Electrode; polarization; Ohmic losses
|Autor=Lourens, D.; Case, M. J.; Pienaar, HCvZ
|Titel=Design and development of a Zinc-Air Fuel Cell for Telecommunication Systems
|Stichworte=Zinc-air fuel cell; Batteries; Fuel Cell; Potassium Hydroxide; Gas Diffusion Electrode; polarization; Ohmic losses; english;
|Zusammenfassung=Successful commercialization of zinc-air technology was first demonstrated in the 1930s when it was first used for railway signalling, since then much research has been done in this field. For applications such as remote telecommunication sites where extended backup power is necessary, zinc-air cells show great promise compared to the large battery banks currently used and expensive fuel cells under development. This paper explains what a zinc-air fuel cell is and what the implications are in the design thereof; it will also include results on the system designed. The paper will demonstrate the ability of the zinc-air fuel cell compared to a normal battery bank.

Version vom 13. Mai 2020, 16:05 Uhr

Lourens, D., Case, M. J. & Pienaar, H. 27. August 2006: Design and development of a Zinc-Air Fuel Cell for Telecommunication Systems. Nr. 323, 1–5 ( http:/​/​www.​satnac.​org.​za/​proceedings/​2006/​papers/​No%20323%20-%20Lourens.​pdf).

Zusammenfassung: Successful commercialization of zinc-air technology was first demonstrated in the 1930s when it was first used for railway signalling, since then much research has been done in this field. For applications such as remote telecommunication sites where extended backup power is necessary, zinc-air cells show great promise compared to the large battery banks currently used and expensive fuel cells under development. This paper explains what a zinc-air fuel cell is and what the implications are in the design thereof; it will also include results on the system designed. The paper will demonstrate the ability of the zinc-air fuel cell compared to a normal battery bank.

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