Hydro power plant

Aus Open Source Ecology - Germany
Version vom 22. Januar 2025, 01:36 Uhr von Andreas Plank (Diskussion | Beiträge) (only text- Welcome Group “OSEGWelcome” on Telegram)
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Description, License, Development Status
Project: Hydro power plant. Description: Electrical energy from (water) flow/stream: A low head, low flow, energy harvesting machine system.
Keywordsenergy; electricity; water flow energy harvesting
LicenseAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Levels Achievedfinding ideas; documentation
Creators, ContributorsPlease add creators or contributors
  • Welcome Group “OSEGWelcome” on Telegram
Developers' repositories


  • Electronics (because it may add or override some schematics of used modules to tailor for generating power from water)
  • Mechanics


See 0install.

  • hydro_power_plant (generic turbine)
  • hydro_power_plant__speed (high head/pressure is the most significant factor)
  • hydro_power_plant__mass (high volume/mass is the most significant factor)

For using a vortex see the corresponding for hydro power tailored modules of vortex_power_plant:

  • hydro_power_plant__speed__vortex (extension for circular rotation)
  • hydro_power_plant__mass__vortex (extension for circular rotation)
