PayPal Conditions
- The PayPal account is bound to only 1 person and his/her bank account (for private account)
- Vergewissern Sie sich, dass der Name, auf dem Ihr PayPal-Konto registriert ist, mit dem Namen auf Ihrem Bankkontoauszug übereinstimmt. Ansonsten sind Überweisungen von und auf Ihr PayPal-Konto nicht möglich, und es werden jedes Mal Rückbuchungsgebühren berechnet. (Quelle)
- Practically: if you try to change your name - it is impossible. If you try to add a new bank account, you can change your first name, but not your family name.
- A PayPal account for organizations is bound to the organization: its bank account holder should match the organization name.
Create PayPal Button
- Germany:
- with a German PayPal account (Nikolay's) this button is not shown and cannot be created.
- There is however "Abonnement"-Button erstellen. und (Buttons für regelmäßige Abonnementzahlungen)
- Maybe to have the Abonnement option you have to enter your credit card? - No, I have already a credit card added to the account.
- Asked PayPal per email about the button - Wir melden uns innerhalb von 24 bis 72 Stunden per E-Mail bei Ihnen.
Maybe it can work with this code: (See PayPal_Test) - a real money transfer test is needed.
- HTML Code is available in the PP_WebsitePaymentsStandard_IntegrationGuide, Link2, after page 161.
- Options:
- Subscribe Button HTML Variables, page 425:
- no_note=1 - Do not prompt buyers to include a note with their payments.
- item_number - Pass-through variable for you to track product or service purchased or the contribution made. The value you specify is passed back to you upon payment completion. This variable is required if you want PayPal to track inventory or track profit and loss for the item the button sells.
- ....
Here is an example of a German website where it is working, but Google suggests that the owner "albrecht senden" is from London.
- This website was found after searching in Google for "monatliche Spende" to see how others are taking montly donations.
PayPal Send and Receive Money
Sending money is free.
See PayPal Gebühren.
- Geld empfangen in Euro aus Deutschland oder anderen EU-Ländern - 1,9 % + 0,35 Euro
- Geld in eine andere Währung umrechnen - 2,5 % bis 4 % auf den Wechselkurs
The following test were done on 22.12.2012:
- German account sends 1€ to a Bulgarian account.
- Amount received: €1.00 EUR
- Fee amount: -€0.38 EUR
- Net amount: €0.62 EUR
- German account sends 10€ to a Bulgarian account.