Benutzer:Jan R.B.-Wein

Aus Open Source Ecology - Germany
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A crazy castle builder that changed came from Biology to Engineering and studied Aerospace. In this time my humble self worked for several projects as an assistant and I began to realize that machines alone are no solution, and hence came back to Biology and will spend more and more time for my highflyer castle building efforts. Best had been I had become an artists but, well, the beautiful gender is so much more talented and history has brought up so many ingenious masterpieces in all arts that I share Franz Schubert's opinion: "Mit dem was die gemacht haben, soll man mithalten? Mal ehrlich, das kann man doch eh nicht toppen, also brauch ich's gar nicht erst zu versuchen. Okay, alles hinschmeißen? Ne, da kann ich mich ja gleich ins Grab leg'n. Ne, ich mach was mir am meisten liegt und am liebsten ist - und wenn's noch so brotlos ist."

Foto Jan R.I. B.F.W. v.W. v.Z..jpg


* EDUWASI: Energie durch Wasserimpuls: Masse und Geschwindigkeit.
** EDUWAFA: Energie durch Wasserfall (High head hydro plant).
* AMOR: Automated Milking Ongoing Robot
* High Power Inverter (Wechselrichter) = AC Motor Controller.
* RODOS: Realtime Ongoing  Dependable Operating System (Copyright DLR & Uni Würzburg, Prof. Sergio Montenegro et al.).
* Mill 3D printer combo machine - simplest lowest part count possible design. (still in draft phase despite the high necessity of this machine for electronics - at least for low power electronics and non-RF-sensible equipment).
* Blender Add-ons connected to CAD and CAM. Fan of all this brilliant virtual artists. A pity if they don't paint real pictures too! A cultural loss for our beloved planet Earth.
