
Aus Open Source Ecology - Germany
Version vom 5. April 2018, 20:54 Uhr von Andreas Plank (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Hilfe:Kategorisieren von Seiten: +Kategorie:Hilfe; ±Kategorie:-OSEG 301 - IT AdministrationKategorie:OSEG - IT Administration mittels HotCat-Helferlein (s. Benutzereinstellungen))
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Postix - Open source email server for Unix, IBM Public license.

Postfix Add Mailbox

1) Login to Postfix. e.g.

2) Choose "Add Mailbox" from the main page

Postfix add mailbox 01 main.png

3) Enter the mailbox data

Postfix add mailbox 02 new mailbox.png

Final Message

Email sent! The mailbox has been added to the mailbox table, but none (or only some) of the predefined sub-folders could be created.


Receiving and sending emails with Thunderbird works.