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Use in a new Grunt project

  • npm install
    • read all the module dependencies from package.json and install them from npm software repository into the local folder node_modules.
  • grunt
    • runs the default registered task in Gruntfile.js.

Installing Grunt and gruntplugins:

  • npm install <module> --save-dev
    • installs the module locally and adds it to the devDependencies section of package.json, using a tilde version range


  • package.json - contains various metadata about an Node Packaged Modules. Project identification and description, project's dependencies, ...
    • dependencies field is used to list all the dependencies of your project that are available on npm
    • devDependencies are dependencies not required for normal operation, but required/recommended if you want to patch or modify the project. E.g. testing framework
  • Gruntfile.js - defines, loads and initializes/configures Grunt tasks.
