
Aus Open Source Ecology - Germany
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Piktogramm/Logo  Copyright and Licence
By uploading a file you put it under the license Attribution - Share Alike (unless stated otherwise).
The copyright remain with the authors. Please do not upload any foreign works without permission.
Piktogramm/Logo Quick-Help
Uploaded files should, if possible, have a short description or category that allows them to be retrieved later. Therefore, please take the time to enter a short description when uploading under “Description / Source:”. A suitable file name will best contain the what / the image content, the author, and the date, for example: “File: Component set UniPro-Kit, stand Makerfaire 2013 (Maxi Muster, 2013-08-03) .jpg”

If you have questions about the best image file format (JPG? PNG? SVG?), please read Help:Recommendations for uploading images.

Please do not upload huge files here but save them in and create a public link from there.

Useful (special) pages:

To use an image later on in a page, use a syntax in the following form:

  • [[Datei:Filename.jpg]]—for full sized image
  • [[Datei:Filename.png|200px|thumb|left|Description-text]]—for an image 200 pixel width, in a framed box, having a caption “Description-text”
  • [[Datei:Filename.png|x150px|thumb|left|Description-text]]—same as aforementioned, but an image of 150 pixel height
  • [[Medium:Filename.ogg]]—for a direct link to the file, without rendering of the file

Further details in the German Help section of images and media