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Steinmetz 1911

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Steinmetz, C. P. 1911: Elementary lectures on electric discharges, waves and impulses, and other transients. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, S. 1-149 ( https:/​/​archive.​org/​details/​elementarylectur00steirich, abgerufen am 17. Juli 2018).

Zusammenfassung: PREFACE.

IN the following I am trying to give a short outline of those phenomena which have become the most important to the electrical engineer, as on their understanding and control depends the further successful advance of electrical engineering. The art has now so far advanced that the phenomena of the steady flow of power are well understood. Generators, motors, transforming devices, transmission and distribution conductors can, with relatively little difficulty, be. Calculated, and the phenomena occurring in them under normal conditions operation predetermined and controlled. Usually, however, the limitations of apparatus and lines are found not in the normal condition of operation, the steady flow of power, but in the phenomena occurring under abnormal though by no means unfrequent conditions, in the more or less transient abnormal voltages, currents, frequencies, etc.; and the study of the laws of these transient phenomena, the electric discharges, waves, and impulses, thus becomes of paramount importance. In a former work, “Theory and Calculation of Transient Electric Phenomena and Oscillations,” I have given a systematic study of these phenomena, as far as our present knowledge permits, which by necessity involves to a considerable extent the use of mathematics. As many engineers may not have the time or inclination to a mathematical study, I have endeavored to give in the following a descriptive exposition of the physical nature and meaning, the origin and effects, of these phenomena, with the use of very little and only the simplest form of mathematics, so as to afford a general knowledge of these phenomena to those engineers who have not the time to devote to a more extensive study, and also to serve as an introduction to the study of “Transient Phenomena.” I have, therefore, in the following developed these phenomena from the physical conception of energy, its storage and readjustment, and extensively used as illustrations oscillograms of such electric discharges, waves, and impulses, taken on industrial electric circuits of all kinds, as to give the reader a familiarity with transient phenomena by the inspection of their record on the photographic film of the oscillograph. I would therefore recommend the reading of the following pages as an introduction to the study of “Transient Phenomena,” as the knowledge gained thereby of the physical nature materially assists in the understanding of their mathematical representation, which latter obviously is necessary for their numerical calculation and predetermination.

The book contains a series of lectures on electric discharges, waves, and impulses, which was given during the last winter to the graduate classes of Union University as an elementary introduction to and “translation from mathematics into English” of the “Theory and Calculation of Transient Electric Phenomena and Oscillations.” Hereto has been added a chapter on the calculation of capacities and inductances of conductors, since capacity and inductance are the fundamental quantities on which the transients depend.

In the preparation of the work, I have been materially assisted by Mr. C. M. Davis, M.E.E., who kindly corrected and edited the manuscript and illustrations, and to whom I wish to express my thanks.


October, 1911.

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