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Zinc-Air. information about zinc air batteries. 15. August 2013. (Archivierte Version vom 15.8.2013 16:20:58http:/​/​web.​archive.​org/​web/​20130815162058/​http:/​/​zinc-air.​org/​wordpress/​, abgerufen am 21. März 2021). (Übersetzung: Zink-Luft. Informationen über Zink-Luft Batterien)

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Zinc-Air ( 15.8.2013 16:20:58)

information about zinc air batteries

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Zincate precipitation removal

Posted on November 27, 2012 by admin Reply

Zinc oxide can be precipitated by methanol or ethanol. Thereafter the mother liquid is distilled.

US4005061 A 19770125
Method for recovering potassium hydroxide and zinc oxide from potassium zincate solutions

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very good overview about reaction Kinetics

Posted on November 20, 2012 by admin Reply

This paper discusses the anode and cathode reaction kinetics lwhite

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Pressure & Temperature for pressing the layers together

Posted on November 15, 2012 by admin Reply

In the following paper the authors used 320 degree Celsius and 40 Kg/cm2 for pressing the gas diffusion layer and the active layer together.


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Publication list PSI Paul Scherrer Institut

Posted on November 13, 2012 by admin


Zn/Air Batteries


J-F Drillet*, F. Holzer, T. Kallis**, S. Müller, V.M. Schmidt*
“Influence of CO2 on the stability of bifunctional oxygen electrodes for rechargeable zinc/air batteries and study of different CO2 filter materials”
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 3, 368-371 (2001).
* Institute of Environmental Engineering, University of Applied Sciences, Mannheim, D-68163
** Competence Centre for Zero Emission Commerc. Vehicles, Daimler Chrysler AG. Germany

V. Hermann*, D. Dutriat*, S. Müller, Ch. Comninellis*
“Mechanistic Studies of oxygen reduction at La0.6Ca0.4CoO3-activated carbon electrodes in a channel flow cell”
Electrochim. Acta, 46 (2-3), 365-372 (2000).
*Institute of Chemical Engineering, ETH Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne

H. Arai*, S. Müller, O. Haas
“AC Impedance Analysis of Bifunctional Air Electrodes for Metal-Air Batteries”
J. Electrochem. Soc. 147, 3584-3591 (2000).
* NTT Telecommunications Energy Laboratories, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan

S. Müller, F. Holzer, H. Arai*, O. Haas
“A Study of Carbon-Catalyst Interaction in Bifunctional Air Electrodes for Zinc-Air-Batteries”
J. of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems 2, 227-232 (1999).
* NTT Telecommunications Energy Laboratories, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan

S. Müller, F. Holzer, J-C. Sauter, G. Masanz
“Entwicklung eines elektrisch wiederaufladbaren Zink-Luft-Demonstrationsmoduls”
Bulletin SEV/VSE 20 (1999).

S. Müller, F. Holzer, O. Haas
“Development of a 20 Ah/12 V Zinc/Air Battery”
The Electrochem. Soc. Proc., 98-15, Pennington, NJ (1998).

F. Holzer, S. Müller, O. Haas
”Development and Tests of Cell Components for a 12 V/20 Ah Electrically Rechar-geable Zinc-Air Bat-tery”
38th Power Source Conference Proc., Cherry Hill, NJ (1998).

S. Müller, F. Holzer, O. Haas
”Optimized Zn electrode for the rechargeable zinc-air battery”
J. Appl. Electrochem., 28 (1998) 895-898.

S. Müller, F. Holzer, O. Haas
”Progress Towards a 20 Ah/12V Zinc/Air Battery”
The Electrochem. Soc. Proc., 97-18, Pennington, NJ (1997).

S. Müller, F. Holzer, C. Schlatter*, C. Comninellis*, O. Haas
”New Generation of Rechargeable Zinc/Air Batteries”
In Rechargeable Zinc Batteries, Commemorating the 100th Birthday of A. N. Frum-kin/1995, The Electrochem. Soc. Proc., 95-14, Pennington, NJ (1996).
*Institute of Chemical Engineering, ETH Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne

O. Haas, S. Müller, K. Wiesener
”Übersichtsartikel Wiederaufladbare Zink-Luftsauerstoff-Batterie”
Chemie Inge-nieur Technik 68 (1996) Nr. 5 (Mai) 524-542.

S. Müller, F. Holzer, O. Haas, C. Schlatter*, C. Comninellis*
”Development of Rechargeable Monopolar and Bipolar Zinc/Air Batteries”
Chimia 49 (1995) Nr. 1/2 (Januar/Februar).
*Institute of Chemical Engineering, ETH Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne

S. Müller, K.A. Striebel* and O. Haas
“La0.6Ca0.4CoO3 : a stable and powerful catalyst for bifunctional air electrodes”
Electrochimica Acta, Special Issues on Electrocatalysis, 39, No. 11/12, (1994) 1661.
*Lawrence Berkeley Laboratories, Berkeley, CA, USA

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Air cooled zinc air battery for vehicles EP0952622

Posted on October 29, 2012 by admin Reply

Main idea

Use a first air flow as reactant and a second air flow for cooling the battery stack.

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Storage of electric energy from the grid WO2012012558

Posted on October 29, 2012 by admin Reply

Main idea:

The battery electrolyte may be an aqueous, chloride based electrolyte, which is more acid than carbonic acid from carbondioxid. This solves the problem that the oxygen cathode is no longer clogged by carbonate ions.

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Zinc Air Cathode

Posted on October 29, 2012 by admin Reply

A cathode ( oxygen side) comprises a hydrophobic membrane a gas diffusion layer an active layer and a separator.

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