Blender CAD Addons

Aus Open Source Ecology - Germany
Version vom 14. November 2013, 06:39 Uhr von Jan R.B.-Wein (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Created page with "===For CAD useful Addons that yet have to be ported.=== * Render2Print ** WIP -> I work on porting it and addin...")
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For CAD useful Addons that yet have to be ported.

List of Addons connected to CAD

  • .. fill be filled from time to time

List of other lists of related addons

Miscellaneous webpages FreeCAD news - always good for inspiration

Open source ecology discussions

  • <-- Here blender is not even mentioned though it fulfills almost all requirements: Python scriptable, mature, parametric or non-parametric modelling, visualization directly integrated (Blender internal; Freestyle or Cycles renderer).