Open Source Google Docs

Aus Open Source Ecology - Germany
Version vom 23. Dezember 2012, 16:46 Uhr von Nikolayhg (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Created page with "There is no open source alternative to Google Docs yet. Aron Homberg has implemented a first prototype of the Open Source Spreadsheet, planning to be released mid of 2...")
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There is no open source alternative to Google Docs yet. Aron Homberg has implemented a first prototype of the Open Source Spreadsheet, planning to be released mid of 2013.

Open Source Spreadsheet


  • The user should be able to set privacy settings of columns to: public, private, shared among other users.
    • Reason: Currently Google Docs does not support this and in OSEG we are using multiple Spreadsheet to avoid the public to be able to see data, which is meant to be private. This forces us to keep the same data on at least two places, which requires additional work, prone to errors.