
Aus Open Source Ecology - Germany
Version vom 19. April 2018, 19:35 Uhr von Andreas Plank (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Hilfe:Kategorisieren von Seiten: Kategorie: English pages hinzugefügt mittels HotCat-Helferlein (s. Benutzereinstellungen))
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http://www.kdenlive.org/ - Open Source Video Editor

Pronounced: KDenLive (KeiDenLaif)


To get the newest version, don't install it immediately from the Ubuntu Software Center, but as described here:




Title Track

or Credits of a movie:

Multiple Videos


  • Effect: Volume (keyframable)
    • to add a new keyframe you can just double click on the clip. (Instead of clicking the + button, and then adjusting manually the time)
  • View: Project Monitor
    • Make sure you have opened the Project Monitor for previewing your video. The Clip Monitor is not for previewing the video!


Cutting Audio

Cutting audio in multiple piece in a Kdenlive project with multiple audio tracks, videos and photos can create bad sounds in the audio - this happens rarely, but it is possible, especially if you cut in the middle or beginning of speaking. A possible solution is to edit the audio in Audacity such that no cutting is needed in Kdenlive.