Nikolay Log: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Open Source Ecology - Germany
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Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
Ambitious plan for the creation of the call:
The [[Log]] of [[Nikolay Georgiev]].
* Friday, 19.10, 19:10.
See my most updated Log here:
* wrote the Script for Germany, was verified by Zanne.
* recorded voice over for the final part 2.
* finished the final part 2 - synchronizing the voice with the music and animation. Left are all other tasks in Trello, mostly improvements in part 1 + the credits at the end of the movie.
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* Music for Germany till the end selected.
* Script for Germany improved.
* Noticed that a better connection between the Challenges and OSE is needed and formed ideas about.
* Skyped with Adrian Koenen. He wants to develop OSEG and will [ help with the simplification of the profile form].
* Created [[Logs]].
OSE Europe:
* [ first contact with Tamera, Portugal].
* [[Nikolay_Log/2013-01|Jan 2013]]
* Updated the [ Trello Board] and [[SCRUM Board Rules|wrote some rules]] for using it.
* [[Nikolay_Log/2012-12|Dez 2012]] - Wind Turbine Crowdfunding und Karlsruhe
* fixed a minor technical problem in [[Kdenlive#Tips|Kdenlive]] with the Clip and Project Monitor, which was taking me a lot of time.
* [[Nikolay_Log/2012-11|Nov 2012]] - Netzwerkaufbau: Internet und Berlin
* finished the OSE Network animation
* [[Nikolay_Log/2012-10|Okt 2012]] - Video
* [[Nikolay_Log/2012-09|Sep 2012]] - Transition-Konferenz + Video.
* animated Wikispeed. Left: Network, Germany, Generations.
[[Category: Logs]]
* Cut videos for "Current status" till "Cold Saw".
* Searched and sourced music.
* [[Alexander Lieders]] completed the [ OSE house construction animation].
* Jakob Olszewski created [[Presentation_Attribution#Animations|the Open Source Economy animation]]. Needs to be looped.
* Added voice over till "Open Source Economy" (1st half of the video). Learned the [[Stimmaufnahme|procedure]].
* First half of the video is rendered with [ few improvements to be made].
* Shared [[Nikolay_Georgiev_Why_OSE|Why I am dedicated to Open Source Ecology]].
* Waldo [[Planraum_e.V./Fragen|responded to the unanswered questions]].
* Arrived in [[Niederkaufungen]]. Will stay here for the next 2 weeks.
* Animated till "Current State"
* [[Daniel Lang]] filmed Nikolay addressing everyone.
* Cut the music till "Current Status".
* Animated till "4.5 Low Cost".
* Created [ the first Wiki backup].
* Gave [[Wiki_Admins|Admin rights to Urs]] to expand the organic farming section.
* Unexpected change - had to move to Daniel Lang in Gundelsheim. Next two weeks I will be in [[Niederkaufungen]]. Changed the plan accordingly. Wrote several reasons why I am dedicated to OSE - to be shared soon.
* created the ambitious plan with release date: next Friday.
* Improved few concepts of the call, shortened some sections.
* Searched for [[CC Music]], found some good tracks.
* Sourced few videos from [[Presentation_Attribution#Video|Vimeo]].
* Animated "4.1. Open Source".
* Started with "4.2. Modularity"
* Animated "3.1. Neu?".
* Started with "4.1. Open Source".
** Created the technological life cycle.
** Created [ the first Exploded View Parts Diagram of OSE].
** Cleaned up the [[:File:Windturbine-simulation.png]] to transparent.
'''my commitments''':
* for November:
** Finish the Call and prepare the website for new people.
** Expand the OSEG Network
* expected major commitment after November:
** Start working on Factor E Farm in Germany - this is my major goal and as soon as we are expanding well enough I will focus almost all my time in creating FeF here in Germany.
* Mike gave very good Feedback and [ corrections to the Call].
* Managed to compose together a video and moving transparent picture in [[Kdenlive#Multiple_Videos|Kdenlive]].
* Completed 1:20 animation and music of the "2. Herausforderungen" and "3. OSE Vorstellung", following the agile principle - of release early and often - works really good - testing in simple small modules. Voice has yet to be added over which will stretch the different video tracks.
* Noticed: Video Editing takes much more time than I expected. Most of the time goes into the photos selection and aligning photos, music and speech. I expect with a little bit more practice to do it quicker.
* Added GVCS icons and created icons for OSEG: [[Technology_Table]].
* Sourced photos for "3. OSE Vorstellung".
* [[Nikolay_Log/2012-09|Sep 2012]].
[[Category: Logs]] [[Category: Nikolay Log]]

Neueste Überarbeitung vom 8. Juli 2013, 01:12 Uhr

The Log of Nikolay Georgiev.


See my most updated Log here:

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